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Craft Plugins

  • Element Generator

    Simplifies the creation of faker data for all built-in and custom element types.

    Getting started

  • Schedule

    Manage your schedules in Cp. Run a command, trigger an event, push a queue task, or send HTTP requests at a specified time. You can flexibly customize the trigger time and even design your schedule type.

    Getting started

  • Vue Component

    render compiled Vue components in Twig templates.

  • Untitled Created with Sketch. Aliyun

    Aliyun Credentials and OSS FileSystem


The following projects are not plugins, they are generally Yii2 extensions. It is not necessary to make them into plugins.

  • Annotations

    Use PHP annotation features to bring a new development experience.

  • Enums

    Generates all Fields, Section, Volume ... enums and handles write to code as cases.

  • Event Register

    Use a modern way to centrally register app events in a config file.